We all decided to spend our Mother's Day/birthday party as one and go to the Fort for crablegs this past Saturday. Although most of us didn't come home winners (except grandpa), we had a great time and had great crablegs.
Tamie got a new camera from Tiffany and Karl as her mother's day gift, and Grandpa and Uncle Paul got beautifully handmade birthday cards with gifts inside. Tiffany is so creative with her cricket, I'm so jealous. I have one, but I'm not as spontaneously creative as she is. Speaking of creativeness, I almost forgot that Tiffany made Grandma two t-shirts that say "Great Grandma To Be". Naturally, after we got done eating we had to go to the ladies room and put one of them on. Now normally one would take off the top they are wearing and put on the new top. But noooooo, mom puts the t-shirt on over her top that she was wearing. What was the sense in going to the ladies room to change? Oh well, it's her t-shirt and her great grand child that she was bragging about, and she can wear it however she wants.
Yesterday, I went over to pick up mom to take her grocery shopping and brought her the flower arrangement I made from Tamie and I. Here's some pictures, I really liked the ceramic pitcher and colorful beads. (P.S. These don't have to be watered. They will stay pretty forever.) When mom gets tired of the flowers, she can use the pitcher for something else.
Guess who took this photo? |
As a side note, these pictures were taken by Tamie with her new camera. Nice quality don't you think? Anyway, I wanted to let you know the reason for the first up close photo of the purple flower. Yep, Tamie's favorite color is purple, and yep, it was her camera. Need I say more? Nice photos Tamie.