Sunday, July 17, 2011

It must have been a tough first day...

Her little face is all red from being outside playing and look she's already skinned her knee from running. This is such a precious photo, one of many I'm sure.

I have to announce it to the world - my great niece has finally arrived!

Coming in a week early, July 15, 2011 at 1:25 pm, weighing in at 7 lbs. 14 oz.., starting height of 21-1/4 in. full head of hair and the admiration of all who witnessed her entrance into the world....
Look at that smile on Tiffany,  I don't think Izabella was happy that we were taking her photo before she had a chance to do something with her hair and put clothes on.
A photo of the "assistants" - can't you tell we've been awake for 30+ hours? It was well worth it! Not a dry eye right before this photo. Yes, we all were in the room with Tiffany and Daniel to witness this wonderful event.
One proud dad!  Daniel holding his daughter right after she was born

Great grandpa holding his little great granddaughter-- this was a very special moment
Great grandma holding her little great granddaughter for the first time - look at that smile
Grandma Tamie and Grandpa Keith.  I'm pretty sure that they're cheeks hurt from all that smiling.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Well the day has finally arrived

Tomorrow night, Tiffany is going in to the hospital to have Izabella Rose.  Tiffany will be induced and we're not sure if it will happen tomorrow  night or Friday.  In either case, I am so excited to see this little girl.  It has been a long 9 months.......

The great squirrel chasers

A couple of weeks ago, Paul and I were up in Heber, kicking back and enjoying the cool weather when all of a sudden both dogs took of running and barking.  Our first thought was they were after a rabbit and we would have a hard time stopping them.  But as we ran around the other side of the trailer, they both were at the bottom of one of the trees, looking up, barking, and double dog daring this cute little squirrel to come  down and play.
Here is the first tree he ran up to get away from the dogs

Isn't he a cutie?  Poor little thing was petrified.

You can't see him in this picture very well, but he ran up this one

If you look really close in the upper left part of the tree, you can see him.  Meanwhile, two birds were attacking him and he kept dodging and running around the top of the tree to get away from them.
Poor little guy was getting it from the dogs and the birds, and he was barking back at all of them giving them a piece of his mind.  We finally grabbed both dogs and let the little guy run off.