Paul and I headed up to Heber/Overgaard pulling our flat bed trailer with our quads on it and the kids (Daniel, Tiffany, Karl, Geraldine and Izzy) were in our car following us. They were all coming up to spend the weekend with us quading, shooting, enjoying a campfire at night, etc. We got up to the property Saturday morningish and quickly dropped everything and took off to Bison Ranch to do a little tourist shopping and have a beer at the saloon. Then went to dinner, and came back to the trailer and built a fire. So nice...
Saturday we got up and after breakfast took off for the forest to do a little quad riding. We left at 11:00 and didn't come back till 5:00ish.
Did I mention that Izzy was with us? Of course didn't do any riding because she couldn't reach the shifter since she is only 7 weeks old. So naturally, Great Aunt Nancy had to hold her every time we stopped.
Here are some photos of our weekend.