Friday, April 15, 2011

Battle of the flowers...

And you thought the only thing we grow here is cactus...
We've been keeping track of dad's flowers that he has growing in front of his house and the "farm" he has in the backyard.  Then Tiffany started showing off her flowers, now I decided that I have to start showing off mine. I've posted pictures of dad's purple flowers in the front in previous postings, but here's some photos of his "farm" in the back.

This started out as an almost dead $1.50 tomato plant. Now look at it.

Here is his "farm".  These are his other tomato plants as well as his pepper plant

Here are some photos of Tiffany's green thumb...

Now for my pictures of my green thumb. I know, I'm bragging.

These are my peach and pink colored roses that are on the side of the house in the backyard

Here is my yellow rose bush along the back wall

My tomato plant (a little puny right now, but give it time)
These are my herb plants.  I can't remember what they are, but  they're pretty. :-)
OK, now it's Tamie's turn.  Where's your pictures Tamie?

1 comment:

Clyde said...

Talk about the Parade of Roses----this sounds like the Battle of the Roses. Really lovely pic