Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Mom's radiation treatment updates.

By now you know that mom has been going for radiation treatments on her lung cancer.  She's doing great with them.  The treatments themselves take only about 15 minutes.  Tamie and I have mom drinking one Boost energy drink a day, as well as two teaspoons of liquid Vitamin D.  The radiation treatments will make her tired so we are hoping that these two things will help keep her energy up.  Otherwise, she's doing great and has 21 treatments to go. 

This week I am able to take mom to her treatments, because they were set for after I get off work.  For the past few weeks, traffic after work has been really good, no problems, no stop and go.  Last night, I take off work a little earlier than normal, and the traffic was horrible. Her appointment was for 6:30 (which I thought it was at 7:00), none the less, mom and dad were getting a little worried that I would not make it to pick her up on time.  By the time I got to their house, she was sitting in the car, ready to go, waiting for me.  I jump out of my car, and jump in hers and take off. Now that's service.  We get to the appointment in plenty of time (10 min to spare) and they are backlogged.  So we sit and wait until 7:05.  This was one of those moments when the old adage... hurry up and wait was true. Go figure.

She has another appointment, of course, tonite.  It's at 6:50pm, unless they call and say they can get her in earlier in the day like they did this past Monday. 

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